dcsv.me 🟢 330 Online
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SETUP Moderation, Fun, Music, Radio, Rank, Profession-money System, Log Record, Anime, Pokemon, Turkish-English and more ... There is little by little of everything. Just add the bot to your server and enjoy it. Our bot will easily take care of everything for you. First of all, thank you for choosing us. The installation phase is not as difficult as it seems. It is in a form to be handled by doing a few operations. Let's get started then. Some commands may not work without voting. To prevent this, you can vote on the site here every 12 hours. Create a channel called "mod-log". K!modlog-setup [#mod-log] select the channel by typing. Delete 1 message to see it working. Please contact if you have any problems. Do not confuse the support server and entertainment server. :) Support Server , Entertainment Server A role named Muted should be created. But let the name of the role be exactly the same. Role Name Muted Some command

Eklendi: 3 yıl önce


Bu yer boş görünüyor. kartalkanca

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