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Unofficial Micro Center Discord

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Hello, and welcome to the Unofficial Micro Center Discord. A community where we share our love for technology and help one another get the tech we desire.

The first thing you should do is to read the rules in 📜-rules, then react to the rules at the bottom of the page by clicking the ✅. Next, take a look at the revealed 🏪-choose-store channel and pick your local store.

We have a leveling system here, provided by Mee6, that encourages chatting in channels by providing rewards at certain milestone levels. The 📈-check-rank channel has details on how this works and how to check your level.

Here's a brief description of the channel categories that are in the server:
[GENERAL] - General chat channels, like public chat and server questions.

[TECHNOLOGY] - Technology related chat channels, like benchmarks, troubleshooting, gaming, pc build advice, etc.

[OFF-TOPIC] - Non-technology related chat channels, like cars and music.

[MARKETPLACE] - selling and trading posts, divided up into geographic store regions. Active Member status ("Green" / Mee6 Level 10) required to list items in the marketplace.

Marketplace has its own set of rules in 📜-marketplace-rules.

We hope that you have a fun and joyful experience in our server!

If you need help with joining the server, please submit a ticket to @!ModMail

Scalping has many similar definitions, but we define scalping in two ways:
* Taking advantage of market shortages by selling in-demand far above cost
* Deliberate purchasing of in-demand items with the express intent to resell for profit
These behaviors encourages toxic conversation and behavior, add no economic value, causing hardship and frustration for users who want to buy hardware at a reasonable price. Users will be banned if found scalping.

Note: By being a member of this server, you agree not to scalp on this Discord nor in any other Discords or external marketplaces; i.e. no scalping on eBay, Reddit /r/hardwareswap, Facebook Marketplace, etc. We have this strict rule for a reason - what point is there to allow users access to our anti-scalper community and resources if they're used to scalp in other marketplaces?

For more information on this rule, including how scalping is defined, please see 📜-marketplace-rules.

2. Violating, or encouraging the violation of Micro Center policies, or committing return fraud, is strictly prohibited.

3. Be kind and respectful.

4. No political discussion.

5. No spam. Violations will result in warnings and/or mutes. Bots will be removed.

6. Spreading false information maliciously is prohibited. We will not accept users trying to misguide others. Staff will determine collaboratively if malicious intention is present.

7. Links to fundraisers, or products with embedded referral codes are not allowed. This includes GoFundMe links, or links such as EVGA product links with associatecode=xxx in the URL. For EVGA associates referral codes and the like, please keep them in your bio or status, not your nickname or display name; a reference in your nickname may be added to refer to your bio or status, e.g. "Nickname (EVGA code in bio)".

8. Advertising other Discords, whether in the server or in DMs, without the permission of an admin is forbidden. Please DM @!ModMail if you would like to request permission to share a particular server.

9. Don't ask questions about stock in stock-alerts channels. Messages in stock-alerts channels should be limited to providing information about what's in stock at the store. Questions about stock can be directed to specific store-chat channels.

Hello, and welcome to the Unofficial Micro Center Discord. A community where we share our love for technology and help one another get the tech we desire.

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